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Oracle: How does one eliminate duplicates rows from a table with different methods?

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Oracle: How does one eliminate duplicates rows from a table with different methods?
posted Jun 17, 2015 by Vidhya Sagar

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5 ways to delete duplicate records Oracle

In Oracle there are many ways to delete duplicate records. Note that below example are described to just explain the different possibilities.

Consider the EMP table with below rows

create table emp(
EMPNNO  integer,
EMPNAME varchar2(20),
SALARY  number);

10    Bill    2000
11    Bill    2000
12    Mark    3000
12    Mark    3000
12    Mark    3000
13    Tom    4000
14    Tom    5000
15    Susan    5000

1. Using rowid

SQL > delete from emp
where rowid not in
(select max(rowid) from emp group by empno);

This technique can be applied to almost scenarios. Group by operation should be on the columns which identify the duplicates.

2. Using self-join

SQL > delete from emp e1
where rowid not in
(select max(rowid) from emp e2
where e1.empno = e2.empno );

3. Using row_number()

SQL > delete from emp where rowid in
select rid from
select rowid rid,
row_number() over(partition by empno order by empno) rn
from emp
where rn > 1

This is another efficient way to delete duplicates

4. Using dense_rank()

SQL > delete from emp where rowid in
select rid from
select rowid rid,
dense_rank() over(partition by empno order by rowid) rn
from emp
where rn > 1

Here you can use both rank() and dens_rank() since both will give unique records when order by rowid.

5. Using group by

Consider the EMP table with below rows

10    Bill    2000
11    Bill    2000
12    Mark    3000
13    Mark    3000

SQL > delete from emp where
(empno,empname,salary) in
select max(empno),empname,salary from emp
group by empname,salary
answer Jun 18, 2015 by Shivaranjini