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LTE : What would be with charging if network does not have support of PCEF ?

+1 vote
LTE : What would be with charging if network does not have support of PCEF ?
posted Nov 21, 2015 by Vikram Singh

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2 Answers

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In such cases PGW should generate local CDR which should be then transferred to a mediation system.
Mediation system will then analyze the CDR and charging can be done

answer Nov 21, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
May I know the format of CDR that PGW will use to record the charging related information.
0 votes

You can check specification 3GPP 32.298 and 3GPP TS 32.299 for detailed information

Peeyush Sharma

answer Nov 30, 2015 by Peeyush Sharma
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