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Create a function to calculate the height of an n-ary tree.

+1 vote
Create a function to calculate the height of an n-ary tree.
posted Nov 3, 2016 by anonymous

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1 Answer

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Finding the height is in fact no different for N-ary trees than for any other type of tree. A leaf node has height 0, and a non-leaf node has height one more than the tallest of its children.

Have a recursive function that in pseudocode does this in Java:

public static int getHeight(Node n){
         return 0;
        int maxDepth = 0;

        foreach(Node child : n.getChildren()){
            maxDepth = Math.max(maxDepth, getHeight(child));

        return maxDepth + 1;
answer Nov 4, 2016 by Manikandan J