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Declaration Error

+1 vote

How do I change the code below so It doesn't have the declaration error. If I change One, Two, Three, Four and Five to numbers and change string to int then the code works. What am I doing wrong?

posted Apr 21, 2020 by Ravi Sonigra

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2 Answers

+1 vote


are not string object. So I think your code is wrong which is comparing the string object."One") will result 0 if value is equal to "One".

Another option - Enter value in number like 1 , 2, 3 4 and 5 etc.
Compare like this .
value == std::to_string(1);
value == std::to_string(2);
value == std::to_string(3);
value == std::to_string(4);
value == std::to_string(5);

answer Sep 18, 2020 by Crazy
0 votes

One is a variable you may need to change One to "One" (with double quotes).

answer Apr 21, 2020 by Salil Agrawal
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namespace {
 std::string ConstructPath()
 int lastSlash(0);
 std::string pathVar;
 Dl_info dl_info;


 pathVar = dl_info.dli_fname;
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