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Can someone explain me the architecture of Charging domain in telecom (LTE) ?

+5 votes
Can someone explain me the architecture of Charging domain in telecom (LTE) ?
posted Mar 14, 2014 by Aarati Mahajan

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1 Answer

+3 votes

The charging includes these entities:

PCRF (Policy and Charging Rules Function): provides policy control and flow based charging control decisions.

PCEF (Policy and Charging Enforcement Function): implemented in the PDN gateway, this enforces gating and QoS for individual IP flows on the behalf of the PCRF. It also provides usage measurement to support charging.

OCS (Online Charging System): provides credit management and grants credit to the PCEF based on time, traffic volume or chargeable events.

OFCS (Off-line Charging System): receives events from the PCEF and generates charging data records (CDRs) for the billing system.

For the full description please follow the PDF lnk mentioned below which has described all in details:
Policy control and charging in LTE

answer Apr 28, 2014 by Hiteshwar Thakur
Hiteshwar you have described nicely.
Please correct the PCEF section: implemented in the PGW rather than SGW.
OFCS: In case of roaming, Gxx interface comes into picture when resource usage sends from visited network SGW to home network PCRF and PCRF sends information to OFCS .
Please correct me if I am wrong.
Thanks Vimal. I Edited that.
The resource usage will be thrown out by visited network SGW (BBERF) to visited Network PCRF (V-PCRF) over Gxc interface. Further V-PCRF will talk to the home network PCRF (H-PCRF) over S9 interface and H-PCRF will send the Information to OFCS.

V-PCRF will just relay the messages to H-PCRF.
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