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What is difference between belongs_to and has_one in Rails?

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How can I decide belongs_to use to X(assume) model and has_one use to Y(assume) model?

posted Jun 30, 2014 by Kiran Kumar

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1 Answer

+1 vote

They are at opposite ends of the association. The model that belongs_to is the one that has the Y_id field in the database.

How can I decide belongs_to use to X(assume) model and has_one use to Y(assume) model?

Do you mean how to decide whether X belongs_to Y and Y has_one X versus Y belongs_to X and X has_one Y? If so then it is just a matter of which seems to fit best for you. Of course a third alternative is to simplify the code and the database and combine the models into XY.

answer Jun 30, 2014 by Sheetal Chauhan
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