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What is the significance of "CC-Sub-Session-Id AVP" in DCCA & when it will be used, please explain with example.

+5 votes

I gone through the RFC4006 but didnt get the context of below paragraph

   Certain applications require multiple credit-control sub-sessions.
   These applications would send messages with a constant Session-Id
   AVP, but with a different CC-Sub-Session-Id AVP.  If several credit
   sub-sessions will be used, all sub-sessions MUST be closed separately
   before the main session is closed so that units per sub-session may
   be reported.  The absence of this AVP implies that no sub-sessions
   are in use.

But here my question is
1. What could be the types of Multiple credit-ontrol Sub-session?
2. How can we include different cc-sub-session-ID for each sub-session, please give me an example with message structure using CCR message.

posted Oct 7, 2014 by anonymous

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One example could be the case of distributed or multi server dcca. Though not understood the question completely but in that case u may need to have sub session with each dcca.
I agree with the logic what Salil has provided, this is a case of multi server dcca.

1 Answer

0 votes

Hi ,
CC-Sub-Session-Id AVP no more used by Standard bodies like 3GPP,for more detail please refer this link and you can clearly see in the CCR/RAR message it has been struck also they have mentioned "Not Used in 3GPP". All EPC modules follows 3GPP Standards along with RFC. Hope the above information give you some idea.

answer Dec 23, 2015 by Chinmoy Padhi
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