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Why we are using hibernate and how does it help in the programming?

+1 vote
Why we are using hibernate and how does it help in the programming?
posted Feb 3, 2015 by Kali Mishra

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1 Answer

+1 vote

Hibernate is the ORM (Object Relational Mapping).

->Hibernate will act like bridge between Application and Database.
->Hibernate use to access Database properties like (Tables, Views, Stored Procedures)

Hibernate Example:

Create Class:
public class Employee {
   public virtual int Emp_Id{ get; set;}
  public virtual string Emp_Name{get;set;}

-->COLUMN field for specify Table column field
-->Name field for specify Class Variable

   <class name="Employee" table="EMPLOYEE">
      <meta attribute="class-description">
         This class contains the employee detail. 
      <id name="Emp_Id" type="int" column="id">
         <generator class="native"/>
      <property name="Emp_Name" column="name" type="string"/>
answer Feb 3, 2015 by Balamurugan Kn