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How does PGW differentiate incoming data for different UE's in lte ?

+2 votes

PGW uses TFT's to differentiate the incoming data but if anyone explains more indepth it will be helpful.

posted Feb 11, 2015 by Kishore Kumar Ponukumati

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1 Answer

+1 vote

For incoming data the task if to find out the right bearer for which on GTP-U traffic TFT is applied, once we get the TFT number/id we redirect the GTP traffic based on the TFT-GTPtunnel mapping.

TFT consists of following parameter (few or all will be used to get the TFT info depends on the configuration)
• Source address (with subnet mask)
• IP protocol number (TCP, UDP)
• Destination port range
• Source port range
• IPSec Security Parameter Index (SPI)
• Type of Service (TOS) (IPv4)
• Flow-Label (IPv6 only)

Check the following articles -

answer Feb 11, 2015 by Salil Agrawal
Thanks for answer :)
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