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How can we debug failed assembly binds?

+3 votes
How can we debug failed assembly binds?
posted Feb 16, 2015 by Khusboo

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1 Answer

+2 votes
Best answer

Use the assembly binding log viewer (fuslogvw.exe) to find out the paths searched.

answer Feb 18, 2015 by Manikandan J
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I am working on some JIT compiler and I am using GDB to debut it, my code crashes at some point (segment fault), but it crashes at the jitted code (they are generated on the fly) so I do not get the stack frame information, But I got the following backtrace:

#0 0x**********d98f22 in ?? () // JITTED CODE
#1 0x000000000000001d in ?? () // JITTED CODE
#2 ...callattribuite function....

I am wondering if it is possible for GDB to disassemble the code at location 0x**********d98f22 and display it to me. I tried disas 0x**********d98f22 but GDB complained No function contains specified address.

Any clue?
