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MAC address changes on every boot on fedora21 system?

0 votes

I am running a fully patched Fedora 21 system. We are trying to give it a long term lease in the DHCP server, but the MAC address sent changes on every boot. The MAC address seen at the DHCP server is not actually valid.

The DHCP server is like Win2008 Server R2.

posted Apr 30, 2015 by anonymous

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1 Answer

+1 vote

I don't see that as possible unless the F21 machine has multiple NICs and the software is reassigning names on each boot. Not likely, but if it does, you could tell udev to always assign one of the NICs as a fixed name (em1, eth0, whatever) via a udev rule, then make sure that's the NIC which the dhclient runs on.

answer Apr 30, 2015 by Ahmed Patel
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