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please explain the Properties of adhoc query?

+2 votes
please explain the Properties of adhoc query?
posted Jun 23, 2015 by Mohammed Hussain

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1 Answer

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Properties of adhoc query:

  1. It is case sensitive
  2. Space sensitive
  3. Parameter sensitive

For More information abput adhoc query plz visit:

answer Jun 27, 2015 by Vrije Mani Upadhyay
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+4 votes

Table Name : Hist_table

 Shp_cd wt_grp  net_wt  tot_wt
   101   10       9      7
   102   20       8      2
   103   15       4      1


Fact_id fact_column factor
  1     wt_grp        2
  2     net_wt        5
  3     tot_wt        3

Note – this factor table contains rows as the column name of hist_table.
Now we have to update the Hist_table with the multiplied with the factors
For example wt_grp factor is 2 then we have to update all the wt_grp column of hist table as Hist_table.wt_grp * factor_table.factor
So the result should be

shpcd   wt_grp  net_wt  tot_wt
101     20        45    21
102     40        40    6
103     30        20    3